Friday, 31 May 2013

American Rabbit

American Rabbit

The American rabbit is a multi-purpose animal developed for meat and fur. The National Breeders and Fanciers Association of America (now known as the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc., or ARBA) recognized the breed with an official standard in March 1918. First known as the German Blue Vienna, this name was quickly changed to American Blue because of World War I. While a number of people were showing interest in the development of an ideal blue breed, it is Lewis H. Salisbury of Pasadena, California who is given credit for producing the American Blue. Mr. Salisbury was rather secretive as to the breeds used to create the American Blue. Because of the mandolin shape of the breed called for in the ARBA Standard of Perfection, Blue Vienna, Blue Beveren, Blue Imperial and Blue Flemish Giant are likely the founding genetics for the American.

While other breeders were working to develop an all blue rabbit, Lewis Salisbury’s strain of American Blues was considered the best in the country for several years prior to 1917. In time, the ideal mandolin body type was set and the characteristic deep blue color was fixed. In the early days of development, specimens were often plagued with brown patches and many stray white hairs throughout the coat. A white variety was recognized in 1925, produced from white sports thrown from the American Blues and the addition of White Flemish Giant blood.

The popularity of the American was almost instantaneous, quickly spreading throughout the nation. By 1920, furriers were paying the unbelievable price of $2.00 for a good pelt and a breeding age doe would start at $25.00. Both the blue and white varieties maintained a popular following through the 1940’s, but by 1950 the interests of rabbit breeders had changed to others of the many breeds that had been developed or imported into this country. The American rabbit is unique and restricted to North America. The American has since become the rarest of rabbit breeds in America.

Americans are large rabbits with mature bucks weighing 9 to 11 pounds and does at 10 to 12 pounds. They are a hardy breed, docile in nature, produce large litters and are typically good mothers. Fryers make marketable weight fairly quickly and are easily kept on wire bottom hutches. The blue variety is the deepest blue color of any of the recognized breeds in America.


The American Rabbit was originally accepted into the ARBA as a 'Blue' rabbit, and historically has been characterized as having the deepest, darkest fur of all blue or grey rabbits. The color at its best is "uniform rich, dark slate-blue, free from white hairs, sandy or rust color".

A white variety named American White Rabbit was recognized in 1925. It was developed by selecting white sports (mutants), and adding in white red-eyed white (albino) Flemish giants in the bloodline. It is an albino variety of rabbit (otherwise known as red-eyed white) - while blue-eyed whites have appeared they are considered sports in the American breed and cannot be shown.

The breed standard for American Rabbits calls for a mandolin or semi-arch shape and a long loin, as opposed to the more common 'commercial' or rounded shape typical of quality New Zealand rabbit or Californian rabbit breeds. When shown, this shape calls for a slightly different posing posture than for commercial form rabbits, in order to best display the length of body and modified point of highest arch over the hips.
Americans are a normal, as opposed to dwarf breed of rabbit. An example of a medium-sized rabbit, adult Americans weigh between 4 and 5½ kilograms (9–12 lb), with does (females) being slightly larger than the bucks (males).

Breed History 
The blue American rabbit was developed in Pasadena, California by Lewis H. Salisbury in 1917. Some suggest that the America was the first rabbit breed developed in the United States; however, the New Zealand Red predated the American Blue by several years. Mr. Salisbury did not disclose what breeds were used to come to this variety. The body shape suggests that it may well have been bred from blue Vienna, Beveren, Imperial and Flemish Giants. Replication of the development of this breed would be difficult to impossible to accomplish, due to the extinction of the Imperial breed.
The white variety was formally accepted by the ARBA in 1925.

The breed was originally known as the German Blue Vienna, but was renamed after World War I to the American Blue Rabbit. In more recent years, rabbit keepers - especially rescue organizations - unfamiliar with the history of rabbit breeding in the United States have been referring to mixed breed or "mutt" rabbits as "American". This has led to some confusion over the actual status of this historic breed.

Status as a Rare Breed 
American Rabbits were popular animals up until the 1950s, kept for their fur and meat. As late as 1949, Americans (both Blue and White) were listed among the five or six most popular and most ideal rabbits to raise commercially for meat and fur. Since the development of the commercial rabbit breeds, such as the Californian and New Zealand, and the collapse of the domestic fur market, the Americans have been pretty much ignored by the commercial market. Following a population contraction in the 1980s, they are now among the rarest breeds of rabbit in North America.
In 2005, when rabbits breeds were added to the American Livestock Breed Conservancy, Conservancy Priority List, Americans were listed among the rarest 'Critical' category. The White variety was especially in danger of being dropped from the ARBA's active role in 2004, due to lack of representation at the annual ARBA convention.
Since then, the American Rabbit has undergone a resurgence in population, and in 2012 ALBC shifted the American Rabbit from 'Critical' to the less-endangered 'Threatened' category. Among the significant events leading to the revival of the breed was the dedicated effort of breeders to ship breeding stock across the United States, and the discovery of a line of White American Rabbits among a Hutterite farming community in Alberta, Canada.
Americans are included in the Slow Food USA project under Ark of Taste, Meat and Poultry. This has led to an increased interest in the American Rabbit as a heritage or homestead rabbit breed.