Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Persian Cat

Persian Cat

The Persian is usually a medium sized cat, although she is massive and heavily boned. With her masses of fur, she can appear larger than she really is.

The Persian is an extreme-looking breed. The body is short, but thick with thick legs and a short, thick neck. The tail is short and the ears are small. The head is round with large, round eyes. When viewed in profile her face is flat and the nose changes direction so that what is seen is mostly the colored flesh on her nose.

The coat on a Persian is thick, full and long. It is fine, but should be lustrous and glossy.

The Persian is a placid cat that exhibits bursts of kitten-like activity. The cat will be sleeping in the sun when she suddenly explodes, running around the room and rolling around.

The Persian will stretch out next to you, sleep in your bed, and sit on your lap when she is in the mood. She does not mind changes in routine and is generally friendly with anyone and everyone.

The Persian needs to have her nutrition controlled to stay in good condition. Since the breed is not known for a high degree of energetic exercise, attention must be paid to both her nutrition and regular exercise. That means the Persian must get exercise to keep in top condition. While Persians like to play with their guardians and will play with interactive toys, chase balls, and attack catnip mice, you might have to keep after them to exercise daily.
The Persian coat requires attention daily. She must be brushed and combed in order to keep the coat from tangling. In addition, the flat face must be cleaned regularly and carefully as tear stains can be deposited on the face.


The Persian is an ancient breed of cat and, as with other ancient breeds, its history is a bit clouded. Longhaired cats were in Italy in the 1500s. These cats were imported from Asia. In the 17th century, Pietro della Valle brought a cat from Persia to Italy to add to the breeding program. This cat may well have been a cat known in Persia as the Sand Cat, a cat who lived in the desert. This Sand Cat had a woolly coat, much like a steel soap pad, to protect it from the environment and permit it to live in the sand.

About a hundred years later, Nicolas de Pereisc acquired some longhaired cats. These cats came from Turkey, which is also the home to the Turkish angora, a different breed of longhaired cat. In the 19th century, the descendants of these Turkish cats were bred with some of the cats from Italy, and that was the beginning of the modern Persian. Although this breed is ancient, it is also manmade.

The popularity of the Persian was enhanced when Queen Victoria and other royals fell in love with this stunning breed. They were introduced into the United States at the end of the 19th century, where they were soon popular.

Solid Division

In the Solid Division, only the pristine whites come in three different eye colors. Some have brilliant copper or deep blue eyes, others the surprising combination of one blue and one copper eye of equal intensity. The other solid colors have brilliant copper eyes.

The coat color for all solids should be sound to the roots and free from markings or shadings. Blues, once the apex of the breed, have been interbred with other colors to produce a more uniform type. Their pale silver-blue coats are most beautiful when viewed in natural lighting. Blacks have glossy patent finishes that glisten with intensity. Pale milk-colored creams are the dilute of the deep vibrant glowing reds. Chocolates and lilacs, introduced through the combination of Persian and Himalayan, are rarely seen. The chocolate demonstrates a warm chocolate-brown color while the lilac is a warm lavender with a pinkish tone.

Silver & Golden Division

The Silver and Golden Division consists of chinchilla and shaded silvers and goldens.
The exquisite silvers are considered the most ethereal of all Persians. The chinchilla is a sparkling white cat with black tipping scattered as evenly as stardust, ever so lightly, on the face, legs, tail and body. Shadeds show a mantle of black on the back, shading evenly down the sides. The tipping on the legs and face should match and is darker than the chinchilla. Goldens are either chinchilla or shaded. Their ground color is a rich, warm cream tipped with black. Silvers and goldens have green or blue-green eyes rimmed with black, black paw pads and brick red or rose nose leather.

Shaded & Smoke Division

The Shaded and Smoke Division includes the shell and shaded cameos which have red tipping with a white undercoat. The cream shell and shaded cameos demonstrate a white undercoat tipped with cream. The shell and shaded tortoiseshells have a mantle of black tipping with well-defined patches of red tipped hairs while the shell and shaded blue-creams have blue tipping with well-defined patches of cream tipped hair.

The smoke Persian is one of the most striking patterns of the Persian colors. There are six separate colors, black, blue, cream, cameo (red), smoke tortoiseshell and blue-cream smoke. In repose, the smoke appears to be a solid color cat. In motion, the coat will break open, giving glimpses of a startling white undercoat. All should have the characteristic white ruff and ear tufts. The perfect balance of undercoat to overcoat is transitory and the perfection of color balance can usually only be seen six to eight weeks annually. Their brilliant copper eyes seem almost like burning embers within the smoke setting.

Tabby Division

The Tabbies are the extroverts of the Persian breed. They come in three patterns: classic, mackerel and patched tabby. The patched tabby may exhibit either the classic or mackerel pattern with the addition of patches of red. The classic tabby is identified by the bull’s eye markings on the side of the body while the mackerel pattern is characterized by narrow penciling encircling the body. The brilliantly contrasted markings can be as striking as an exotic jungle cat.

Often referred to as the “fun’’ cat, tabbies are outgoing and demonstrative. Their facial markings give them a zesty added appeal. Recognized colors are silver, blue silver, red, brown, blue, cream, cameo and cream cameo. There are no patched tabby patterns in red, cream and cameo. All have brilliant copper eyes except silver varieties which also may have green or hazel.

Particolor Division

The Parti-Color Division consists of the tortoiseshell, blue-cream, chocolate tortoiseshell and lilac-cream.

The tortoiseshell is a black cat dispersed with great patches of red. A dividing blaze of color on the face adds interest to this brightly colored variety. The blue-cream, a delightful study in pastel, is a solid blue cat patched with cream. The muted coloring of the blue-cream and lilac-cream are as softly lovely as the tortoiseshell and chocolate tortie are flashy. All four colors have brilliant copper eyes.

Bicolor Division

The Calico & Bi-Color Division consists of calicos, bi-colors, smoke and whites and tabby and whites. Calicos have white coats splashed with vivid patches of red and black, while the dilute calico is patched with blue and cream. The chocolate and lilac calicos have white coats splashed with vivid patches of chocolate and red or lilac and cream respectively.

A van pattern is a white cat with color confined to the head and extremities. A maximum of two spots of color are allowed on the body. Bi-colors (black, blue, red, cream, chocolate or lilac with white) commonly exhibit white on the feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. All established colors and patterns of tabbies with white and smokes with white are shown in this division. All have brilliant copper eyes except for the silver tabby with white which also may have green or hazel.

Himalayan Division

The Himalayan is one of the most popular of all Persians. The Himalayan is shown in the following point colors: chocolate, seal, lilac, blue, red, cream tortie, blue-cream, chocolate-tortie, lilac-cream, seal lynx, blue lynx, red lynx, cream lynx, tortie lynx, blue-cream lynx, chocolate lynx, lilac lynx, chocolate-tortie lynx and lilac-cream lynx. Color is restricted to the facial mask and extremities with the body of various shades of white to fawn.

Himalayans were developed by breeding Persians to Siamese to combine the Siamese point coloring with Persian type. After many years of cross breeding they were approved as accepted color variations of Persians. All must have deep vivid blue eyes as eyes other than blue are a disqualification.

Keeping the Persian indoors also keeps it safe from transmission of disease and parasites, as well as the dangers of urban life. With an annual trip to a trusted veterinarian, and good nutrition and care, the Persian can live as a family member for easily 15 years, and some surpassing 20 years. Persian breeders dedicate themselves to breeding healthy cats, availing themselves of the latest in veterinary screening procedures to test for any heritable disease conditions. A well-bred Persian is a hardy and healthy cat and is not more prone to illness and respiratory infections than other breeds. However, the large eyes do mean that a certain amount of tearing is normal, and a daily face wash is recommended.

Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air.