Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Love Birds Parrot

Love Birds

These birds are great pets for older children but may be a bit too nippy for younger children.
They are quiet birds, so they can live in an apartment with you. They can also be friendly with all members of your family if they are hand-fed and socialized from a young age. They can become nippy as they mature if they are not properly or consistently handled. They need to be kept singly or they will bond with each other rather than you.
The most popular types kept as pets are the Fischer's, Masked, and Peach-Faced. Make sure you buy a young bird rather than an older one because they are easier to tame from a young age. You can tell that one is younger by the amount of black on his beak--the more black, the more young (this may be different with different color mutations). The black normally disappears when they are 4 months old.
If you are able to provide your bird with adaquate care and love, then this might be the perfect bird for you.

Fast Facts
Lovebird (Agapornis)
Africa and Madagascar
4-7 in., 50 grams
Color Differences
There are a lot of different color varieties to choose from.
Average Cost
up to 20 years
Quiet--they are able to live in an apartment with you.
Need to be well socialized with members of your family, need to be kept singly, can become nippy, males are less temperamental than the females, curious, very energetic, playful, love to go inside things (so a hanging bed or hut should be provided unless it causes aggression), great first-time birds.
Low--most don't learn to talk, but they are able to be trained.
Interaction/Time Requirements
They need daily handling in order to be well socialized and less nippy.
They need a diet for small birds.
Supplies Needed
They need supplies for small birds.