Birman Cat
Birmans are a semi-longhaired breed of cat with robust bodies and short legs. Their paws should be small and round. Birmans' fur is white on most of their bodies and on the paws, with markings on the 'points' of their bodies: their ears, the tips of their tails, their faces and their legs. These points can be any one of a large range of colours. The Birman cat's eyes are very large and strikingly blue. There should be a fluffy collar of fur around their necks, and their tails are long and very bushy. They plume out and the tip is coloured.
Seal, blue, lilac, red, cream, chocolate, seal tortie (female only
breed), seal tortie tabby, blue tabby, seal tabby ........ Some examples are:
Birman cats are extremely docile and relaxed animals. They enjoy
lying around the house and bond closely with their owners. Birmans are not
particularly loud or verbal cats, but they are very loyal and will follow their
owners around. They will always be in the same room as their owners and purr
perpetually. They are inquisitive, intelligent and playful. They get along well
with other animals and are very sociable.
Suitable for
Families, particularly with young children
Birman cats will need brushed at least two or three times a week
and will need bathed at least every season to maintain their coats.
Birman cats are said to have been created by Burmese priests, who
sent a pair to France as a gift of thanks to the French military for helping
them to leave Burma when forced out. The female was pregnant at the time, and
the breed was established in Europe throughout the 1900s.